Postage/pickup both available

Refund & Return Policy

We offer very flexible Return or Exchange Policy:

But We have some rules and policies. So, Please read them first while booking an order.
We don’t cancel or exchange the order if the given conditions are not followed by you.
In case to claim any damage or missing items during shipping, You have to make 360 uncut parcel opening video.
It’s compulsory that the video must start before the opening of the parcel and must be made without pauses and breaks with standard speed.
You also have to send the return request firstly in our gmail ( and need to get a confirmation message. Without it, your returns will not be accepted.
This request has to be placed within 7 days of delivery. After that we will not accept your request.
We will also not accept the jewelry returns request due to changes of mind or on-sale products.


This process may take some time to return your refund. When you get the confirmation email from us in which we let you know that your amount has been refunded.
It may take 5-6 business days. If we won’t let you know it means we didn’t get any refund email from you yet.
If your refund is not showing as refunded and the processing time has passed from your payment method. You can contact us for further inquiries.